3D printing and milling a real-time PCR device for infectious disease diagnostics

Publishing date: 2017-06-06

Published on: PLOS ONE

summary: The paper describes a DIY affordable real-time PCR system, that works with one eppendorf tube at a time. Intentionally designed this way, the system is optimised for infectious disease diagnostics, and to be simple to build and maintain. It fills in a nice gap in diagnostics since up to now health workers relied on “detection kits” which are cheap and fast but have relatively high false positives and require infections to be in an intermediate to advanced state to be detected, or on “classical molecular tests” that are highly accurate, but expensive and slow.

authors: Geoffrey Mulberry, Kevin A. White, Manjusha Vaidya, Kiminobu Sugaya, Brian N. Kim

link to paper: 10.1371/journal.pone.0179133

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