A modular, open-source, slide-scanning microscope for diagnostic applications in resource-constrained settings

Publishing date: 2018-03-15

Published on: PLOS ONE

summary: Lu et al’s modular, open source, and fully automated slide-scanning microscope significantly reduces the cost and ease of use of whole slide imaging of diagnostic samples.This technique refers to digital images of the slide being taken and stored for later diagnosis by a specialist. The microscope has bright-field and fluorescence modes and has an impressive 1 micron resolution and positioning accuracy, as demonstrated during testing with blood and fecal smears containing human and animal parasites.

authors: Qiang Lu, Guanghui Liu, Chuanli Xiao, Chuanzhen Hu, Shiwu Zhang, Ronald X. Xu, Kaiqin Chu, Qianming Xu, Zachary J. Smith

link to paper: 10.1371/journal.pone.0194063

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