An arbitrary-spectrum spatial visual stimulator for vision research
Publishing date: 2020-02-07
Published on: eLife
summary: Visual neuroscientists require accurate control of visual stimulation. However, few stimulator solutions offer high spatio-temporal resolution and free control over the spectra of the light sources, because they rely on off-the-shelf technology developed for human trichromatic vision. Importantly, consumer displays fail to drive UV-shifted short wavelength-sensitive photoreceptors, which strongly contribute to visual behaviour in many animals, including mice, zebrafish and fruit flies. In this work, the authors present a flexible, spatial visual stimulator with up to six arbitrary spectrum chromatic channels.
authors: Katrin Franke, André Maia Chagas, Zhijian Zhao, Maxime JY Zimmermann, Philipp Bartel, Yongrong Qiu, Klaudia P Szatko, Tom Baden, Thomas Euler
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