Automating multimodal microscopy with NanoJ-Fluidics

Publishing date: 2019-05-02

Published on: Nature Communications

summary: Channel Editor Summary: The authors have developed an open source and low-cost device for automated control of labelling and washing cells while under the microscope. This makes imaging it much easier to implement multiple step procedures for imaging at a high temporal and spatial resolution on any microscope with high reproducibility. The paper goes on to demonstrate very successful use in super-resolution imaging of actin bundles during cell-shape changes. The NanoJ-Fluidics device is built from LEGO components and nicknamed (of course) Pumpy McPumpface.

authors: Pedro Almada, Pedro M. Pereira, Siân Culley, Ghislaine Caillol, Fanny Boroni-Rueda, Christina L. Dix, Guillaume Charras, Buzz Baum, Romain F. Laine, Christophe Leterrier & Ricardo Henriques

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