Community-led data collection using Open Data Kit for surveillance of animal African trypanosomiasis in Shimba hills, Kenya

Publishing date: 2019-04-11

Published on: BMC Research Notes

summary: In Sub-Saharan Africa, there is an increase in trypanosome non-susceptibility to multiple trypanocides, but limited information on judicious trypanocide use is accessible to smallholder farmers and agricultural stakeholders in disease endemic regions, resulting in widespread multi-drug resistance. The authors examined the efficacy of community-led data collection strategies using smartphones by smallholder farmers to acquire robust datasets from the trypanosomiasis endemic Shimba hills region in Kenya. The authors used Open Data Kit, an open-source smartphone application development software, to create a data collection App.

authors: Sarah A. O. Wamwenje, Ibrahim I. Wangwe, Nicodemus Masila, Caroline K. Mirieri, Lillian Wambua and Benard W. Kulohoma

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