Context-explorer: Analysis of spatially organized protein expression in high-throughput screens

Publishing date: 2019-01-17

Published on: PLOS Computational Biology

summary: Channel Editor’s Summary: To many, open source software means “free to use”, and to others it might mean “I can see and re-use the code freely”. One way open source software can truly stand out, however, is by ensuring it’s welcoming and easy for newcomers to use and contribute to. Content-explorer is a python-based tool that provides a graphical interface to analyse data extracted from cell microscope images, and includes a high-quality readme, contribution guidance, and a code of conduct to ensure all contributors feel welcome and safe.

authors: Joel Ostblom, Emanuel J. P. Nazareth, Mukul Tewary, Peter W. Zandstra

link to paper: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006384

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