Expanding Equitable Access to Experimental Research and STEM Education by Supporting Open Source Hardware Development

Publishing date: 2019-02-01

Published on: Journal of Open HW

summary: Is there an opportunity to radically increase access to scientific instrumentation, while improving the quality and diversity of research tools by harnessing the power of collaborative innovation in the development of FOSH (free and open source hardware)? The authors propose that there is now a further opportunity to secure added value from FOSH for science using a network to network approach.

authors: J. M. Pearce, J. C. Molloy, S. Kuznetsov, S. Dosemagen

link to paper: https://medium.com/@journalopenhw/expanding-equitable-access-to-experimental-research-and-stem-education-by-supporting-open-source-ff003acff819

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