FishCam: A low-cost open source autonomous camera for aquatic research
Publishing date: 2020-06-15
Published on: HardwareX
summary: In this work, Mouy et al describe the “FishCam”, a low-cost (500 USD) autonomous camera package to record videos and images underwater. The system is composed of easily accessible components and can be programmed to turn ON and OFF on customizable schedules. Its 8-megapixel camera module is capable of taking 3280 × 2464-pixel images and videos. Ten FishCam deployments were performed along the east coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, from January to December 2019. Field tests demonstrate that the proposed system can record up to 212 h of video data over a period of at least 14 days. With its low cost and simple design, it has the potential to be integrated into educational and citizen science projects, and to facilitate learning the basics of electronics and programming.
authors: Xavier Mouy, Morgan Black, Kieran Cox, Jessica Qualley, Callum Mireault, Stan Dosso, Francis Juanes
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