OSS-DBS: Open-source simulation platform for deep brain stimulation with a comprehensive automated modeling

Publishing date: 2020-08-18

Published on: PLOS Computational Biology

summary: In this study, Butenko et al propose a new open-source simulation platform that comprises computer-aided design and computer-aided engineering tools for highly automated evaluation of electric field distribution and neural activation during Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS). They show how a Volume Conductor Model (VCM) is constructed and examined using Python-controlled algorithms for generation, discretization and adaptive mesh refinement of the computational domain, as well as for incorporation of heterogeneous and anisotropic properties of the tissue and allocation of neuron models.

authors: Konstantin Butenko, Christian Bahls, Max Schröder, Rüdiger Köhling, Ursula van Rienen

link to paper: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008023

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