pyKNEEr: An image analysis workflow for open and reproducible research on femoral knee cartilage

Publishing date: 2020-03-03

Published on: PLOS ONE

summary: Channel Editor Summary: Sometimes, all the available algorithms to perform a scientific task are either closed source, or just too complex to easily be re-used by others. pyKNEEr stands out amongst the crowd, providing an open source knee cartilage image analysis suite. It exemplifies what it means to be open, with GPL-licensed code, clear Creative Commons licensed documentation, an introduction video, and Jupyter notebooks with working usage examples and live Binder demos. The Readme acknowledges not only code contributors, but also people who provided feedback and ideas, and which open source packages were used to create PyKNEEr.

authors: Serena Bonaretti, Garry E. Gold, Gary S. Beaupre

link to paper: 10.1371/journal.pone.0226501

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