Sample treatment platform for automated integration of microextraction techniques and liquid chromatography analysis

Publishing date: 2019-03-28

Published on: HardwareX

summary: Sample preparation performance influences the quality of every chemical analysis. Since it is the most labor-intensive stage in the nearly all-analytical protocols, sample preparation automation would be desirable, to increase the analytical throughput, maintaining precision and accuracy, while preventing risks of human exposure to chemical or biological agents. Among different lab-automation strategies, robots have long been an important prospect. Nevertheless, widespread adoption of dedicate “robot-chemist” with analytical purposes continues being limited. Open resources that enable non-specialist analysts and researchers to make their own prototypes are still necessary. Here, Medina et al assembled an open-source innovative platform, able to guarantee the online hyphenation of the sample preparation microtechniques with liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry or any other detection system.

authors: Deyber Arley Vargas Medina, Luís Felipe Rodriguez Cabal, Fernando Mauro Lanças, Álvaro José Santos-Neto

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