Spikeling: A low-cost hardware implementation of a spiking neuron for neuroscience teaching and outreach

Publishing date: 2018-11-19

Published on: PLOS Biology

summary: Spikeling provides an in silico model of a spiking neuron that can be used to illustrate their biophysical behaviour through sound and light inputs and outputs as well as a custom oscilloscope interface. The authors evaluate the device in both Nigeria and the UK and provide exciting examples of potential uses from the classroom through to graduate study and public outreach. The ability to chain Spikelings together adds an extra dimension that opens up opportunities for experimentation with networks of neurons.

authors: Tom Baden, Ben James, Maxime J. Y. Zimmermann, Phillip Bartel, Dorieke Grijseels, Thomas Euler, Leon Lagnado, Miguel Maravall

link to paper: 10.1371/journal.pbio.2006760

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