Super‐beacons: Open‐source probes with spontaneous tuneable blinking compatible with live‐cell super‐resolution microscopy

Publishing date: 2020-04-06

Published on: Traffic

summary: In this work Pereira et al present a new class of DNA‐based self‐quenching open‐source super‐resolution probes that they developed, named super beacons. These probes have photoswitching kinetics that can be tuned structurally, thermally and chemically. They also alleviate the need for high‐intensity illumination and toxic buffers usually needed in single‐molecule localization super‐resolution approaches. The authors demonstrate super-beacons use in fixed‐ and live‐cell imaging with sub‐100 nm resolutions to explore the organisation of interferon inducible transmembrane proteins at the cell surface. The preprint of this work is available to read “">here<.

authors: Pedro M. Pereira Nils Gustafsson Mark Marsh Musa M. Mhlanga Ricardo Henriques

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