The smfBox: an open-source platform for single-molecule FRET
Publishing date: 2020-02-07
Published on: bioRxiv
summary: Single-molecule Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (smFRET) is a powerful technique capable of resolving both relative and absolute distances within and between structurally dynamic biomolecules. High instrument costs, and a lack of open-source hardware and acquisition software have limited smFRET’s broad application by non-specialists. In this preprint, Ambrose et al present the smfBox, a cost-effective confocal smFRET platform. They provide detailed build instructions, open-source acquisition software, and full validation in an effort to democratise smFRET for the wider scientific community.
authors: Benjamin Ambrose, James Baxter, John Cully, Matthew Willmott, Elliot Steele, Benji C. Bateman, Marisa L. Martin-Fernandez, Ashley Cadby, Jonathan Shewring, Marleen Aaldering, Timothy D. Craggs
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