Virtual Reconstruction and Three-Dimensional Printing of Blood Cells as a Tool in Cell Biology Education

Publishing date: 2016-08-15

Published on: PLOS ONE

summary: A strategy to increase the engagement of students into the world of cell and structural biology by combining 3D electron microscopy techniques and 3D prototyping technology (3D printing) to generate 3D physical models that accurately and realistically reproduce a close-to-the native structure of the cell and serve as a tool for students and teachers outside the main centers.

authors: Ingrid Augusto, Douglas Monteiro, Wendell Girard-Dias, Thaisa Oliveira dos Santos, Simone LetĂ­cia Rosa Belmonte, Jairo Pinto de Oliveira, Helder Mauad, Marcos da Silva Pacheco, Dominik Lenz, Athelson Stefanon Bittencourt, Breno Valentim Nogueira, Jorge Roberto Lopes dos Santos, Kildare Miranda, Marco Cesar Cunegundes GuimarĂŁes

link to paper: 10.1371/journal.pone.0161184

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