Wrangling distributed computing for high-throughput environmental science: An introduction to HTCondor

Publishing date: 2018-10-23

Published on: PLOS Computational Biology

summary: Whilst many open source projects enter the spotlight as trend-setting new software packages, it’s nice to appreciate some of the long-lived projects as well. HTCondor has been around since the 1980s, a decade before the term “open source” was even coined. HTCondor provides high throughput computing - granting compute power to those who may not have access to high performance computing, by utilising idle cycles on distributed volunteer computers. It can be used in multiple research domains to perform otherwise overly-intensive calculations.

authors: Richard A. Erickson, Michael N. Fienen, S. Grace McCalla, Emily L. Weiser, Melvin L. Bower, Jonathan M. Knudson, Greg Thain

link to paper: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006468

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