XPRESSyourself: Enhancing, standardizing, and automating ribosome profiling computational analyses yields improved insight into data

Publishing date: 2020-03-03

Published on: PLOS Computational Biology

summary: Ribosome profiling, an application of nucleic acid sequencing for monitoring ribosome activity, has revolutionized our understanding of protein translation dynamics. This technique has been available for a decade, yet the current state and standardization of publicly available computational tools for these data is bleak. Here, Berg et al introduce XPRESSyourself, an analytical toolkit that eliminates barriers and bottlenecks associated with this specialized data type by filling gaps in the computational toolset for both experts and non-experts of ribosome profiling. XPRESSyourself software is perpetually open-source under the GPL-3.0 license and is hosted on “https://github.com/XPRESSyourself">GitHub<, where users can access additional documentation and report software issues.

authors: Jordan A. Berg, Jonathan R. Belyeu, Jeffrey T. Morgan, Yeyun Ouyang, Alex J. Bott, Aaron R. Quinlan, Jason Gertz, Jared Rutter

link to paper: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007625

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