Publishing date: 2019-03-28
Published on: Sensors
summary: Conservation researchers require low-cost access to acoustic monitoring technology. However, affordable tools are often constrained to short-term studies due to high energy consumption and limited storage.
Publishing date: 2019-03-28
Published on: PLOS ONE
summary: None
authors: Andrew Erskine, Thorsten Bus, Jan T. Herb, Andreas T. Schaefer
link to paper:
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Publishing date: 2019-03-28
Published on: npj Digital Medicine
summary: Biomarkers are physiologic, pathologic, or anatomic characteristics that are objectively measured and evaluated as an indicator of normal biologic processes, pathologic processes, or biological responses to therapeutic interventions.
Publishing date: 2019-03-28
Published on: Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical
summary: Wireless potentiostats capable of cyclic voltammetry and amperometry that connect to the Internet are emerging as key attributes of future point-of-care devices.
Publishing date: 2019-03-28
Published on: Scientific Reports
summary: Channel Editor Summary: Fiber photometry allows researchers to record neural activity by measuring changes in fluorescence of chemical indicators using an optical fibre and is a powerful technique that is currently quite expensive to perform.
Publishing date: 2019-03-28
Published on: HardwareX
summary: Sample preparation performance influences the quality of every chemical analysis. Since it is the most labor-intensive stage in the nearly all-analytical protocols, sample preparation automation would be desirable, to increase the analytical throughput, maintaining precision and accuracy, while preventing risks of human exposure to chemical or biological agents.
Publishing date: 2019-03-05
Published on: PLOS ONE
summary: None
authors: Phillip Armand Bester, Andrie De Vries, Stephanus Riekert, Kim Steegen, Gert van Zyl, Dominique Goedhals
link to paper: 10.1371/journal.pone.0213241
Icons made by catkuro from www.
Publishing date: 2019-02-27
Published on: PLOS Computational Biology
summary: Genome annotation is the process of identifying the location and function of a genome’s encoded features. Improving the biological accuracy of annotation is a complex and iterative process requiring researchers to review and incorporate multiple sources of information such as transcriptome alignments, predictive models based on sequence profiles, and comparisons to features found in related organisms.
Publishing date: 2019-02-27
Published on: PLOS Computational Biology
summary: Channel Editor Summary: BioJava is an open source project which provides a Java framework for processing biological data. The project offers analytical and statistical routines, parsers for common file formats, reference implementations of popular algorithms, and allows the manipulation of sequences and 3D structures.