Research Article

ABrox—A user-friendly Python module for approximate Bayesian computation with a focus on model comparison

Publishing date: 2018-03-08 Published on: PLOS ONE summary: None authors: Ulf Kai Mertens, Andreas Voss, Stefan Radev link to paper: 10.1371/journal.pone.0193981 Icons made by catkuro from

Bat detective—Deep learning tools for bat acoustic signal detection

Publishing date: 2018-03-08 Published on: PLOS Computational Biology summary: None authors: Oisin Mac Aodha, Rory Gibb, Kate E. Barlow, Ella Browning, Michael Firman, Robin Freeman, Briana Harder, Libby Kinsey, Gary R.

Do-It-Yourself reliable pH-stat device by using open-source software, inexpensive hardware and available laboratory equipment

Publishing date: 2018-03-06 Published on: PLOS ONE summary: Milanovic et al present the construction of a reliable and inexpensive pH stat device allowing closed loop monitoring and control of pH using open-source, low-cost and/or readily available laboratory devices.

StimDuino: An Arduino-based electrophysiological stimulus isolator

Publishing date: 2018-03-01 Published on: Journal of Neuroscience Methods summary: Electrical stimulus isolator is a widely used device in electrophysiology. The timing of the stimulus application is usually automated and controlled by the external device or acquisition software; however, the intensity of the stimulus is adjusted manually.

PuLSE: Quality control and quantification of peptide sequences explored by phage display libraries

Publishing date: 2018-02-23 Published on: PLOS ONE summary: None authors: Steven Shave, Stefan Mann, Joanna Koszela, Alastair Kerr, Manfred Auer link to paper: 10.1371/journal.pone.0193332 Icons made by catkuro from

Design of a 3D-printed, open-source wrist-driven orthosis for individuals with spinal cord injury

Publishing date: 2018-02-22 Published on: PLOS ONE summary: None authors: Alexandra A. Portnova, Gaurav Mukherjee, Keshia M. Peters, Ann Yamane, Katherine M. Steele link to paper: 10.1371/journal.pone.0193106 Icons made by catkuro from www.

High-Throughput Tabular Data Processor – Platform independent graphical tool for processing large data sets

Publishing date: 2018-02-12 Published on: PLOS ONE summary: High-throughput technologies generate considerable amount of data which often requires bioinformatic expertise to analyze. Here, Ptior Madanecki et al present High-Throughput Tabular Data Processor (HTDP), a platform independent Java program.

MEA Viewer: A high-performance interactive application for visualizing electrophysiological data

Publishing date: 2018-02-09 Published on: PLOS ONE summary: None authors: Daniel C. Bridges, Kenneth R. Tovar, Bian Wu, Paul K. Hansma, Kenneth S. Kosik link to paper: 10.1371/journal.pone.0192477 Icons made by catkuro from www.

Laser additive manufacturing of 3D meshes for optical applications

Publishing date: 2018-02-07 Published on: PLOS ONE summary: None authors: Khamis Essa, Aydin Sabouri, Haider Butt, Fawzia Hamed Basuny, Mootaz Ghazy, Mahmoud Ahmed El-Sayed link to paper: 10.1371/journal.pone.0192389 Icons made by catkuro from www.

Predicting outcome of Morris water maze test in vascular dementia mouse model with deep learning

Publishing date: 2018-02-07 Published on: PLOS ONE summary: None authors: Akinori Higaki, Masaki Mogi, Jun Iwanami, Li-Juan Min, Hui-Yu Bai, Bao-Shuai Shan, Masayoshi Kukida, Harumi Kan-no, Shuntaro Ikeda, Jitsuo Higaki, Masatsugu Horiuchi