Publishing date: 2017-04-13
Published on: PLOS ONE
summary: None
authors: G. C. Young, S. Dey, A. D. Rogers, D. Exton
link to paper: 10.1371/journal.pone.0175341
Icons made by catkuro from
Publishing date: 2017-04-03
Published on: PLOS ONE
summary: Editors note: This paper describes how to build a closed loop control system for microfluidics, based on Arduino and 3D printed parts. It improves on existing syringe pumps as this system has a feedback loop that measures the pressure in the system and allows for more precise control of the volumes injected.
Publishing date: 2017-03-25
Published on: HardwareX
summary: None
authors: Peter Irgens, Curtis Bader, Theresa Lé, Devansh Saxena, Cristinel Ababei
link to paper:
Icons made by catkuro from
Publishing date: 2017-03-16
Published on: PLOS ONE
summary: None
authors: Philip R. Nicovich, James Walsh, Till Böcking, Katharina Gaus
link to paper: 10.1371/journal.pone.0173879
Icons made by catkuro from
Publishing date: 2017-03-06
Published on: PLOS ONE
summary: The use of implants that are specificaly designed for each patient is currently bounded to the use of expensive software or by the use of open source alternatives that are time consuming and labour intensive.
Publishing date: 2017-03-06
Published on: Sussex Research Online
summary: None
authors: Jonathan P Bacon, Harry R Kent
link to paper:
Icons made by catkuro from
Publishing date: 2017-02-23
Published on: PLOS Computational Biology
summary: None
authors: Arno Klein, Satrajit S. Ghosh, Forrest S. Bao, Joachim Giard, Yrjö Häme, Eliezer Stavsky, Noah Lee, Brian Rossa, Martin Reuter, Elias Chaibub Neto, Anisha Keshavan
Publishing date: 2017-02-21
Published on: PLOS Computational Biology
summary: Community-level data, the type generated by an increasing number of metabarcoding studies, is often graphed as stacked bar charts or pie graphs that use color to represent taxa.
Publishing date: 2017-02-20
Published on: bioRxiv
summary: None
authors: Martin Brennan, Fahad Bokhari, David Eddington
link to paper:
Icons made by catkuro from
Publishing date: 2017-02-16
Published on: HardwareX
summary: Editors note: This paper describes a nifty and high-throughput way to collect bugs in the field while continuously monitoring the temperature as well as the time when each animal fell into each trap.