Scientific Reports

Open-source, 3D-printed Peristaltic Pumps for Small Volume Point-of-Care Liquid Handling

Publishing date: 2020-04-06 Published on: Scientific Reports summary: Microfluidic technologies are frequently employed as point-of-care diagnostic tools for improving time-to-diagnosis and improving patient outcomes in clinical settings. These microfluidic devices often are designed to operate with peripheral equipment for liquid handling that increases the cost and complexity of these systems and reduces their potential for widespread adoption in low resource healthcare applications.

OptiJ: Open-source optical projection tomography of large organ samples

Publishing date: 2020-02-07 Published on: Scientific Reports summary: Channel Editor Summary: The second paper in this pairing, describes an optical projection tomography (OPT) system for large transparent organ samples. Capable of imaging high volumes (up to 13mm tall X8mm deep) at near-cellular resolution (50µm), they go beyond current low cost OPT by providing more than one solution to sample alignment issues present in these tyoes of systems.

High-speed device synchronization in optical microscopy with an open-source hardware control platform

Publishing date: 2019-09-05 Published on: Scientific Reports summary: High-speed synchronization of multiple devices is a necessity for modern optical microscopy techniques and this paper simplifies the process for those building custom microscope systems by providing a hardware control platform that reduces the need for custom software while expanding the scope of compatible peripheral devices.

3D μ F - Interactive Design Environment for Continuous Flow Microfluidic Devices

Publishing date: 2019-07-29 Published on: Scientific Reports summary: In this paper, the authors present an interactive tool for designing continuous flow microfluidic devices. 3DμF is the first completely open source interactive microfluidic system designer that readily supports state of the art design automation algorithms.

Low-cost, sub-micron resolution, wide-field computational microscopy using opensource hardware

Publishing date: 2019-06-17 Published on: Scientific Reports summary: None authors: Tomas Aidukas, Regina Eckert, Andrew R. Harvey, Laura Waller & Pavan C. Konda link to paper: Icons made by catkuro from www.

pyPhotometry: Open source Python based hardware and software for fiber photometry data acquisition

Publishing date: 2019-03-28 Published on: Scientific Reports summary: Channel Editor Summary: Fiber photometry allows researchers to record neural activity by measuring changes in fluorescence of chemical indicators using an optical fibre and is a powerful technique that is currently quite expensive to perform.

Open-Source Multiparametric Optocardiography

Publishing date: 2019-02-01 Published on: Scientific Reports summary: None authors: None link to paper: Icons made by catkuro from

Openspritzer: an open hardware pressure ejection system for reliably delivering picolitre volumes

Publishing date: 2017-05-19 Published on: Scientific Reports summary: The ability to reliably and precisely deliver picolitre volumes is an important component of biological research. The authors describe a high-performance, low-cost, open hardware pressure ejection system (Openspritzer), which can be constructed from off the shelf components.

A fast multispectral light synthesiser based on LEDs and a diffraction grating

Publishing date: 2016-08-25 Published on: Scientific Reports summary: None authors: Gregor Belušič, Marko Ilić, Andrej Meglič and Primož Pirih link to paper: Icons made by catkuro from