Recent & Upcoming Talks


Bringing Science to the 21 st century: Open Source tools for better research

Webinar for the Open Science MOOC group. Starting theirs webinar series on open science and research improvement.

Building Open Source Scientific Equipment: How researchers are owning their instruments

I presented Flypi as an example on how researchers can leverage the open source movement, to build their own tools, update the design of existing ones, and how this can be used to help development.


Academic Science is Crippled: How Open Source and Open Access are bringing science back to the 21st century

Talk at the Student retreat of the Muenich Technical University (TUM). ```Retreat Bernried, 07.-09.06.2017 Invited Speakers: Marcel Quint (University of Halle-Wittenberg, DE), Rüdiger Simon (University of Düsseldorf, DE), André Maia Chagas (University of Tübingen, DE) Courses: Conflict managment in academia (schainundkuchenbrandt, DE), Project managment in academia (Golin Wissenschaftsmanagment, DE) Activities: Table tennis, bowling, hiking ````

Organized by: Alexander Kutschera